All eyes were on Georgia for the 2020 November election and the two United States Senate runoff elections in January 2021. This report identifies lessons and recommendations for the field, based on the experiences of New Georgia Project (NGP) and New Georgia Project Action Fund (NGPAF) during these elections. New Georgia Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on voter registration, GOTV, and policy programs. New Georgia Project Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase the civic participation of underrepresented and underserved communities of color in Georgia by building grassroots political power.
These lessons are not surprising for those who live and work in Georgia and other states with Republican-controlled state governments. They are a good reminder of what our sector should be prepared for in 2022, 2024, and beyond.
These lessons include:
- There is no floor to the hostile voting rights environment in Georgia.
- Unconventional wisdom is the new normal.
- Long-standing lessons for the field that deserve repeating.