Detroit Action and DPI Senior Advisor Prentiss Haney featured in The Atlantic
The Atlantic published a piece this week authored by senior political reporter Ron Brownstein. The piece highlighted the DPI Black values research and featured insights from DPI senior advisor Prentiss Haney.

DPI Partners', Gregory Edwards and Marcus Bass, op-ed about the need to understand the nuanced political views of Black men
Reverend Gregory Edwards, the Executive Director of POWER Interfaith, and Marcus Bass, the Executive Director of North Carolina Black Alliance authored this op-ed titled Inviting Cynical Black Men Into Politics, Without Shame or Blame discusses the imperative to engage Black men authentically and draws on the DPI National Black Values research.

DPI Partner, The Ohio Organizing Collaborative, Finds Missing Voters Through Relational Organizing
The Ohio Organizing Collaborative volunteers serve as "Democracy Builders" to encourage friends and family to register and vote. 80% of the eligible Ohio voters contacted by Democracy Builders did not appear in the voter files. This article highlights the need for relational organizing to find missing voters and effectively engage them.

DPI Fund Advisor, Prentiss Haney, Interviewed on the New York Times’ podcast The Run-Up about the Black Values Research
The conversation walked through DPI’s national Black values research and the implications from that research for the work to engage Black voters in the upcoming election.

POWER Interfaith Interim Executive Director Rev. Dr. Gregory Edwards Interviewed on CBS Radio News
Rev. Dr. Gregory Edwards talks about the diversity within the Black community and Black Values research in-depth with Allison Keyes. This interview starts at the 25:30 minute mark.
Interview with Detroit Action Education Fund Advisor, Branden Snyder, on Michigan Public Radio
New research reveals more about political diversity, engagement among Black voters in Michigan.
Quotes from DPI Partners in an article discussing the Black Values Survey Findings
This article in The Guardian, "Black US voting 'bloc' composed of five distinct political groups, survey finds identifying clusters of Black voters and their motivations can help tailor voter engagement strategies, organizers say," quotes Dr. Katrina Gamble, Senior Advisor to the DPI Fund and Founder & CEO of Sojourn Strategies, Rev. Dr. Gregory Edwards from POWER Interfaith, Ranada Robinson from New Georgia Project, and Branden Snyder from Detroit Action Education Fund.
Creative Outreach Strategies to Engage the Latino Community in North Carolina
Poder NC was highlighted in The Fulcrum for their culturally relevant, comprehensive outreach strategy to reach "high opportunity" Latino voters through canvassing, digital ads, and events like “Ballots y Belleza,” which combines beauty services with voter education. Their work significantly increased first-time Latino voter turnout in North Carolina in 2020. Part of their strategy this year includes culturally competent, telenovela-style ads to engage and inspire Latino voters.

Making Politics Work for Local Communities: DPI Partner, PICO California, Featured in Axios for their work to engage Latino farmworkers
This article highlights PICO California's work to shift the political ecosystem's focus away from partisan battles and toward solving local problems faced by the Latino community.
DPI Funder Partners Author Op-Ed on Shifting from Policy to Power
Authored by Kelly Knowlin from the Fresh Sound Foundation and Jennie Riley, the Executive Director of the Rx Foundation. The op-ed discusses the need for the philanthropic community to focus on long-term, systemic support for multiracial democratic practice and community power-building.

He once swore off politics. Now, this Georgia activist is trying to recruit people who seldom vote
This clip highlights the New Georgia Project’s work to develop young leaders and engage rightfully cynical voters.
Want Black votes? Offer Black voters true empowerment.
This is an Op-Ed that ran in The Hill authored by DPI senior advisor Katrina Gamble and Terrance Woodbury from HIT Strategies on the research they have been leading to understand the values and political identities that drive Black voting and civic engagement.
DPI Analyst Miriam McKinney Gray on Roland Martin
DPI Analyst Miriam McKinney Gray was on Roland Martin discussing her research on the millions of Black and Latino voters who are missing or mislisted in the voter file. Miriam’s segment begins around the 53-minute mark.

As Black Voters Drift to Trump, Biden’s Allies Say They Have Work to Do
Angela Lang, the executive director of Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC) quoted in NY Times.
The City That Just Might Decide the 2024 Election
Angela Lang, Executive Director of Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC) quoted in The New Republic
Black voters showed their power in 2023 elections. Here’s why they could pick the president in 2024
Co-Executive Director of Ohio Organizing Collaborative, Prentiss Haney, quoted in a USA Today article.

Here’s How Black Voters in Ohio Became The Driving Force For Abortion Rights and Marijuana Legalization
Prentiss J. Haney, Co-Executive Director of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, talks to Ali Jackson Jolley, Assistant Managing Director at Forbes, about about how cluster voting analysis helped to drive wins for abortion rights and marijuana legalization.

Organizers in Ohio work to engage ‘rightfully cynical’ Black voters
Prentiss Haney, Co-Executive Director of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, featured on NPR’s Here and Now podcast, discusses the impact of Black voters in the November 2023 special election in Ohio.

These Black voters could determine Biden’s fate in a pivotal swing state
Angela Lang, Executive Director of BLOC, interviewed by John King in CNN
Churches step in after Florida restricts how Black history can be taught
Faith In Florida is highlighted in NPR for creating a Black history toolkit for churches.

Branden Snyder wants young people to get into politics
Growing up on the city's east side, Branden Snyder, executive director of the nonprofit advocacy group and community organizer Detroit Action, didn't have much exposure to people outside his circle until he got to the University of Michigan.

Black people are being erased from democracy. Here’s a way to fight back and win.
Millions of Black and Latino voters are missing or not listed correctly in voter databases. But organizing friends and families allows us to target voters that traditional campaigns and candidates ignore.

Black and Latino voters are being erased from databases
According to my estimates of U.S. Census data and information revealed in a recent Stanford study, 24.76 million Black and Latino people are missing or listed with incorrect information in the voter databases sold by vendors, making them unreachable. While 40 percent of Black and Latino people are essentially invisible, only 18 percent of white people are missing or mislisted, according to the study.

The ‘Minnesota Miracle’ should serve as a model for Democrats
You could be forgiven for imagining that state legislatures around the country are lurching rightward, thanks to the media spotlight given to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s culture warring in his state. Other deep-red states are not far behind. In Washington, President Biden was rightly seen as a net winner in the debt ceiling battle. But with the GOP in control of the House, it was largely a defensive triumph.

Building the Movement to Expand Voting Rights
On Op-Ed in Newsweek from organizers from OLE and ISAIAH on strategies for effective civic engagement outreach to formerly incarcerated people.