Our Work


We co-create our research projects with our organizing partners and research leads, ensure that organizing partners are driving research goals and strategy, and create opportunities for practitioners across organizations to learn from each other.

DPI Organizing Lab

The DPI Organizing Lab is a collaboration across a group of base-building groups to support the collection and analysis of organizing data that groups can use to evaluate their organizing programs, with the goal of improving strategy, practice, and impact. This innovative project focuses on data that helps groups understand their core work (organizing that supports winning change) rather than data that focuses on last-mile voter contact inputs (e.g., door knocks, number of conversations).

Understanding & Measuring Power

Building on lessons from the work of the DPI Organizing Lab, we have worked with our state partners to develop an analytic framework for how to understand and measure power. This approach supports organizations in identifying and measuring the activities, strategies, and tactics that are effective in their work to build base, organize collective capacities, and achieve external influence and impact.

Narrative and Identity

The DPI Fund’s narrative and identity research focuses on how to connect with, engage, and inspire Black, Latino, AAPI and Native voters to lean into their agency and increase their civic participation. In this work, we are exploring the values that drive civic participation, the ideological differences within demographic groups, and how organizations can promote the sense of community and belonging that is necessary as a foundation for political engagement.

Research Database

Click here to access the diverse array of DPI Fund resources including research reports and summaries, slide decks, and recordings of webinars.

Webinars, strategy sessions & more.

Collaboration and promoting a culture of learning and innovation within organizing and civic engagement practice are critical strategies in our work to build power to win change. Thus, in addition to supporting research and learning projects, the DPI Fund hosts webinars, strategy sessions, and various collaborative learning events.

Take a Tour

The DPI Fund supports groundbreaking research related to organizing strategy and practice, understanding and measuring power, and values and political identities within communities of color. Login to access DPI Fund resources including research reports and summaries, slide decks, and recordings of webinars.

DPI Reports
2024 Research Summary
This memo describes research, innovation, and implementation projects either completed or launched in 2024.
Research Reports
Black Values Research 2024
The research project was led by Katrina Gamble, PhD, Senior Advisor to the DPI Fund and Founder and CEO of Sojourn Strategies, and Terrance Woodbury, CEO And Founding Partner of HIT Strategies.
Power Metrics Memo Executive Summary
This report includes several case studies of groups innovating, tracking, and learning from new metrics to improve their power-building practice, along with recommendations for organizing and funding practitioners on measuring power

Join us to explore more research and innovation projects housed in the DPI Research Library.