August 4, 2022
DPI Convening
Using the Election Season to Build Power
What you get: Examples of how to track leadership development and membership engagement using simple event participation forms and various visualization tools to help you better understand who your members are, where they are, and what they are doing.
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Tianyi Hu, Data & Research Analyst at the State Power Fund & Eddie Carmona, Director of Campaigns at PICO California
Every cycle organizations hope to emerge from the election more powerful with stronger members and greater leadership. What we have learned at DPI is that a key to achieving that goal is to have systems for tracking member and leader engagement that are as rigorous as those used to track voter contact. How can an organization do that? Join us to find out!
What you get: Examples of how to track leadership development and membership engagement using simple event participation forms and various visualization tools to help you better understand who your members are, where they are, and what they are doing.
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