DPI Convening
How Art and Culture Move Political Narratives
This breakout session from the 2021 DPI Annual Convening helped participants understand how culture creates and moves civic engagement narratives. Past findings were included, and new research on these organizing strategies was discussed.
Ohio Organizing Collaborative
Penn State University
Mississippi Short
Culture is a driving force in political engagement and is deeply impactful in communities of color and youth. It is essential that as we dive into narrative work that supports communities of color in building and leveraging their power, that we make sure that cultural organizing in partnership with artists and activists play a key role. This breakout will help develop an understanding of how culture creates and moves civic engagement narratives, include past findings, and discuss new research being developed on these organizing strategies.
Related Research
July 11, 2023
Art & Activism: A Three-State Case Study
This research focuses on the innovative cultural organizing these groups are doing in partnership with artists and activists and examines how arts and culture move narratives within communities of color.

November 9, 2023
Meeting People Where They Are: Arts & Activists
Art in many forms has been a critical part of sustaining American movements for centuries. How are current organizers incorporating art and artists into their power-building efforts? What impact does this have on their campaigns and on the artists and members involved?
URL Link
August 3, 2023
Lessons in Art Activism - DPI Digest
This newsletter summarizes the findings and recommendations from the Art & Activism case studies in Ohio, Michigan, and Mississippi.