October 22, 2021
DPI Convening
From Protest to Participation: On the Frontlines of Youth Civic Engagement
In this session we discuss new research that examines what is driving young people to activism, how young people see connections between organized protest activity and other forms of civic participation, and how youth organizations think about keeping the momentum going in concert with national conversations about...
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Tova Wang from Harvard Kennedy School, Jerusha Conner from Villanova, Kei Kawashima-Gisberg from CIRCLE, Johnnie Lotesta from Appalachian State University, and Destini Philpot from GoodKids MadCity

Since 2018, we have seen a surge in youth activism and youth voter turnout. Participation in movements around gun violence and climate justice has had a transformative effect on many young people. At the same time, our nation's moment of racial reckoning in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd has led many youth activists to create alternative institutions and increase civic participation under a bolder strategy. How can youth energy in this moment be sustained and strengthened? In this session we discuss new research that examines what is driving young people to activism, how young people see connections between organized protest activity and other forms of civic participation, and how youth organizations think about keeping the momentum going in concert with national conversations about racial justice.

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