April 2, 2024
Understanding & Measuring Power
LUCHA Building a Co-Governance Model for People-Powered Change
This study tracks members of ACE and LUCHA as they negotiate with the Governor and key legislators on multiple issues of importance to their base during the 2023-2024 legislative season.
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Jennifer Beltrán, Juan Felipe Celia Maestre, Junho Hyun-Sack, and Huw Spencer
Working closely with Arizona Center for Empowerment (ACE) and LUCHA (their 501c(4)), Kennedy School graduate students designed a mixed-methods research program to answer the question: How can ACE continue building power in Arizona through its co-governance model to deliver on the policy priorities of its base? This study also provides recommendations for strengthening the policy capacities of the organization and bringing them into more direct and accountable relationships with organized members.
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September 5, 2023
Power Metrics: Measuring What Matters to Build a Multiracial Democracy
This report outlines a framework developed by groups in the DPI Organizing Lab to identify and measure strategies that wield power using the data organizations collect and analyze in their day-to-day work.

May 31, 2021
An Approach to Understanding and Measuring People Power
While our movement includes thousands of paid organizers, they are often flying blind on the core work they do - connecting with constituents and developing leaders, building relationships, and crafting strategies that can win change–because our current tools and technology do little to support them in those efforts.