September 4, 2024
Narrative and Identity
Black Values Research 2024
In 2024, HIT Strategies and Sojourn Strategies launched a follow-up survey to validate the 2022 Black values research to inform 2024 civic engagement programs.
Sojourn Strategies
HIT Strategies
HIT Strategies

Since 2020, DPI has supported research in multiple states to understand the various values and political identities that drive Black civic engagement. In late 2022, we partnered with Sojourn Strategies and HIT Strategies to do a national survey that discovered five values clusters within the Black electorate. This research helped us identify the narrative frames that are most compelling to each cluster to inform national and state level organizing programs. In 2024, HIT Strategies and Sojourn Strategies launched a follow-up survey to validate the research to inform 2024 civic engagement programs.

Related Research

April 10, 2023
Black Values National Survey and Cluster Analysis Briefing
In this video, The DPI Fund, HIT Strategies, and Sojourn Strategist discuss the Black Values National Survey designed to understand the various values and political identities that drive Black civic engagement.
January 13, 2023
National Power Messaging Poll and Black Voter Segmentation Results
The objectives of this national poll were to understand attitudes heading into the midterm elections, segment our audience to determine who our base, persuasion, and opposition voters are, and identify messaging that resonates with Black voters.
November 9, 2023
Lessons from Values Cluster Research: Understanding & Engaging Voters in Ohio
Leaders from the Ohio Organizing Collaborative and HIT Strategies share the findings from their summer values cluster work with Black voters in Ohio. They outline how they engaged two of those clusters in their organizing work and explored lessons from that work for various communities in 2024 and beyond!