July 29, 2022
Narrative and Identity
Black Narrative Research: HIT one-pager
During 2020-2022, we worked with POWER, Detroit Action, BLOC Wisconsin, Florida Rising, and New Georgia Project to examine which messaging frames and narratives would help increase political engagement among Black voters.
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During 2020-2022, we worked with POWER, Detroit Action, BLOC Wisconsin, Florida Rising,  and New Georgia Project to examine which messaging frames and narratives would help increase political engagement among Black voters. For the first phase of this research, HIT strategies explored power and information message frames to determine language and examples to define each frame. Key findings showed that raising perceptions of individual vote power, as well as Black voters power is an important way to increase political participation. Additionally, leaning into racism is an important messaging tactic as it's the most important issue for Black voters.

For the second phase of this research, HIT Strategies worked with New Georgia Project, to conduct Black narrative research that examined what factors and power narrative frames inform how Black people view politics and political participation. They explored the importance of the power narrative, as well as other factors that might inform Black political engagement including civic education, political efficacy, threats to Black political power, and the necessity for political homes.

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January 13, 2023
Black Narrative Research Recommendations
A list of recommendations HIT developed for reaching Black voters.