April 18, 2023
2023 DPI Annual Letter
In 2022, the DPI Fund advanced towards a multiracial democracy. Our unity emphasized community power. Our Annual Letter reveals insights on Black power, Latino voters, and enhancing democracy. United by a vision, we aim for an inclusive political future.
Associate Director | Rockefeller Family Fund
Julie Fernandes

2022 was another strong and productive year for our movement and for the Democracy & Power Innovation Fund (DPI Fund). After four years of work together, we are well on our way toward achieving the paradigm shift we need to build the multiracial democracy that our communities deserve. And one thing that is more clear than ever is that our collective progress is rooted in our work together as a community. And our community is powerful.

As a core partner in our work, I would like to share with you our Annual Letter that covers key research findings from last year, including findings around building Black power, a deeper analysis of Latino voters, the epidemic of missing voters, working with local election officials to strengthen democracy, and so much more.

As we continue to build our community, learn together, and promote our learnings in the broader progressive civic engagement community, we are anchored by our shared diagnosis, our theory for a new political playbook rooted in base-building organizing, and our knowledge that together, we can transform the political system, build and sustain multiracial democratic practice, and win change for our families and communities.

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