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Tova Wang

Democracy Fellow
Harvard Kennedy School

Tova Wang is a Senior Researcher in Democratic Practice at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation. She was most recently Director of Policy and Research at the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, where she worked on voter registration reform and oversaw and conducted research on how to develop transformative strategies for increasing political participation among marginalized groups. She has 20 years of experience working on improving democracy, including for several years as a Senior Democracy Fellow at Demos. Tova has focused on issues related to greater political inclusion in the United States, including major studies on increasing voter participation rates among low income people, communities of color, naturalized immigrants, women and Native Americans. Her critically acclaimed book, The Politics of Voter Suppression: Defending and Expanding Americans’ Right to Vote, was published in 2012 by Cornell University Press. She has also consulted for international organizations on voting rights, election reform, and constitutional reform in countries around the world for many years.

Her commentary on voting and participation has appeared in numerous print media outlets, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, The Hill and Politico, and she has appeared on numerous national television and radio news shows.

Resources from

Tova Wang

Related resources
Same Day Registration: Opportunities for Organizing and Voter Engagement
This analysis highlights the critical role that implementation plays in any democracy policy reform. This study analyzes 2022 SDR use in Minnesota and Nevada and documents the innovative implementation practices of ISAIAH and ACDC to increase use of SDR.
Lessons in Art Activism - DPI Digest
This newsletter summarizes the findings and recommendations from the Art & Activism case studies in Ohio, Michigan, and Mississippi.
Art & Activism: A Three-State Case Study
This research focuses on the innovative cultural organizing these groups are doing in partnership with artists and activists and examines how arts and culture move narratives within communities of color.
Past Speaking Events
Oct 5, 2023
Concurrent Sessions
Barbershops and Festivals: Maximizing Use of Same-Day Registration

In the last several years, a number of new states have enacted same-day registration. However, new research from DPI, Harvard, and the Analyst Institute shows that in places where the program is newly available, not many people are using it. This session was about strategies to maximize the adoption of SDR, particularly with young people and people of color.

REsource Report
Jul 20, 2022
Concurrent Sessions
How to Use Organizing to Achieve Election Reform

In many jurisdictions, local elections officials have broad discretion over voting policies and practices. How can organizations develop productive relationships with their local elections officials to promote the implementation of pro-voter practices?

REsource Report
Oct 22, 2021
Concurrent Sessions
SESSION 3C - From Protest to Participation: On the Frontlines of Youth Civic Engagement

MODERATOR: Tova Wang (Democracy Fellow, Ash Center, Harvard Kennedy School) SPEAKERS: Jerusha Conner (Villanova),Kei Kawashima-Gisberg (Newhouse Director, Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts CIRCLE), Johnnie Lotesta (Assistant Professor of Sociology, Appalachian State University), Destini Philpot (GoodKids MadCity)

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