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Tomas Robles

Co-Executive Director
Arizona Center for Empowerment

Tomás E. Robles Jr. currently serves as a Co-Executive Director of Arizona Center for Empowerment. Tomás became involved in grassroots organizing and activism after Senate Bill 1070, an anti-immigration bill that legalized racial profiling in Arizona, passed. Tomás became a community organizer in 2010, helping to promote civic engagement and comprehensive immigration reform. Since then, Tomás has worked with various organizations, working for different causes such as immigrant and worker rights, Veteran's issues, and housing discrimination.

Tomás is the son of Mexican immigrants, was born in Tucson, AZ, and raised in Phoenix, AZ. He is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and is a graduate of Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Transborder Studies with an emphasis on immigration policy and economy.

Resources from

Tomas Robles

Related resources
Organizing to Change the Rules: How to Move Local Election Officials
Local election officials are important power brokers in our fight for a progressive multiracial democracy. They can expand voting access and increase equity in our democratic process or erect barriers that unequally increase the costs of participation for voters and the barriers for voters of color.
Past Speaking Events
Jul 20, 2022
Concurrent Sessions
How to Use Organizing to Achieve Election Reform

In many jurisdictions, local elections officials have broad discretion over voting policies and practices. How can organizations develop productive relationships with their local elections officials to promote the implementation of pro-voter practices?

REsource Report
Oct 22, 2021
Concurrent Sessions
SESSION 3A - Organizing to Change the Rules: How to Move Local Election Officials

SPEAKERS: Alex Gomez (Co-Executive Director, ACE/LUCHA), Tomas Robles (Co-Executive Director, ACE/LUCHA), Hannah Furstenberg-Beckman (Researcher, Local Election Officials: Discretion and Democracy Project)

No Moderator Events Available.

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