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Timmy Lu

Executive Director
AAPIs for Civic Empowerment

Timmy Lu is the founding Executive Director of AAPIs for Civic Empowerment (AAPI FORCE) and AAPI FORCE-EF, organizations dedicated to building the political power of Asian American and Pacific Islander grassroots communities for racial and economic justice. He brings over fifteen years of experience in community organizing, political campaigns, and voter data management. Past work includes State Organizing Director at Asian Pacific Environmental Network, Integrated Voter Engagement Coach with the Groundswell Fund, executive committee member of the Schools and Communities First/Proposition 15 campaign, and Data Director of the Asians for Ossoff and Warnock campaign. He currently serves as an executive committee member of Million Voters Project, California’s people of color-led statewide political alliance and is a co-founder of Asian American Power Network, a new national alliance of Asian American grassroots 501c4 organizations. A second-generation ethnic Chinese Vietnamese refugee, both his toddler and running Dungeons and Dragons games keep him up at night. Timmy is based in Oakland, CA.

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Past Speaking Events
Oct 21, 2021
Concurrent Sessions
Finding Missing Voters: Busting the Myth of “If it isn’t in the VAN, it doesn’t exist.”

As tech tools and unreliable voter lists have taken over civic and political outreach, many voters of color are being left out. This session will focus on the communities left unseen by the political industry’s voter files in the wake of the techno-political revolution and how organizing groups are innovating their own solutions to find them. DPI Analyst Miriam McKinney Gray and Michael Ingram from Florida Rising will lay out the problem: how race modeling, vote propensity scoring, and voter file matching redlines communities with the most untapped power and how overdependence on data tools and algorithms leave millions of potential voters unreached. Staff from the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, ISAIAH, and the AAPI Force will share their effective methods for reaching their communities and propose sustainable wide-reaching solutions for member based organizations.

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