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Serena Perez

Membership Director
Florida Rising

Serena Perez is the Membership Director at Florida Rising. With more than 20 years’ experience as a community and electoral organizer, Serena uses her organizing skills and experience to build scale and people power throughout Florida, and strengthen the electoral muscle of communities of color. She also served as the Membership Director at the National Domestic Workers Alliance. Her commitment to building grassroots power is fully grounded in the leadership and determination of the people fighting in the trenches of our movements.

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Serena Perez

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Past Speaking Events
Jul 21, 2022
Concurrent Sessions
How to Apply Empowering Narrative Frames in Your Voter Mobilization Program

From our previous research with HIT Strategies and New Georgia Project, we learned that power narratives move Black voters to take more political action. Use these learnings and insights from our initial Latinx and AAPI values research to share best practices for developing engaging scripts that promote and support Black, Latinx, and AAPI political action.

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