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Martina Smith

HIT Strategies

Over the past three years, I have been conducting research on Black voters (and non-voters, too) to understand their perceptions of their own power and the collective power of the Black community, how those perceptions of power correlate with voter turnout, what Black voters believe is the best representation of Black political power as well as how Black voters respond to messaging when messages are presented in a “power frame” context. Prior to this, I have spent over 15-years doing commercial, policy, academic, and community research.

Resources from

Martina Smith

Related resources
Lessons from Values Cluster Research: Understanding & Engaging Voters in Ohio
Leaders from the Ohio Organizing Collaborative and HIT Strategies share the findings from their summer values cluster work with Black voters in Ohio. They outline how they engaged two of those clusters in their organizing work and explored lessons from that work for various communities in 2024 and beyond!
Understanding Values Clusters In The Black Electorate - DPI Digest
This newsletter highlights research that builds on our work over the past three years to understand the Black electorate and connect that learning to multiracial organizing and programs.
Black Values National Survey and Cluster Analysis Briefing
In this video, The DPI Fund, HIT Strategies, and Sojourn Strategist discuss the Black Values National Survey designed to understand the various values and political identities that drive Black civic engagement.
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