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Kaelyn Seymour

Civic Engagement Data Director

Kaelyn Seymour is the Civic Engagement Data Director for the Missouri Organizing and Voter Engagement Collaborative (Action).  For over fifteen years, Kaelyn has worked on electoral and issue-based campaigns.  Her proudest campaign was working on getting smoking banned in public places in Kansas.  She is a Big Sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters of SE Missouri and a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority incorporated.

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Kaelyn Seymour

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Past Speaking Events
Jul 21, 2022
Concurrent Sessions
How to Apply Empowering Narrative Frames in Your Voter Mobilization Program

From our previous research with HIT Strategies and New Georgia Project, we learned that power narratives move Black voters to take more political action. Use these learnings and insights from our initial Latinx and AAPI values research to share best practices for developing engaging scripts that promote and support Black, Latinx, and AAPI political action.

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