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Fabi Maldonado

Political Director
Voces de la Frontera

Resources from

Fabi Maldonado

Related resources
The Power of Political Homes
Over the next year, the DPI community will embark on a multi-state, multi-researcher project that examines how participants in organizing groups define a “political home” and what they seek when joining one. The research will also explore the meaning and value associated with the idea of a “political home” among...
Past Speaking Events
Jul 21, 2022
Concurrent Sessions
The Most Effective Influencers: Identifying and Growing Members as Social Network Leaders in Your Electoral Program

Social scientists continue to affirm that when it comes to politics (or anything really) people listen most to those closest to them: friends, family, co-workers. So how are organizers adapting their electoral programs to prepare volunteers to be leaders in their own social networks?

REsource Report
No Moderator Events Available.

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