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Derrick Smith

Data Manager
Ohio Organizing Collaborative

Derrick supports the OOC’s membership and voter engagement programs through data integration. He works with organizers to build successful voter engagement programs, track internal and external work including engagement with volunteers and voters, and run analysis on voter contacts.

Derrick holds a master’s degree in applied statistics from Wright State University. He enjoys video games, dogs, tennis, and kettle corn popcorn.

Resources from

Derrick Smith

Related resources
Briefing on Data Integration in States
Watch the full briefing on Data Integration in States: Challenges and Solutions, authored by Carter Kalchik, a longtime leader in the data, tech, and campaign strategy space. This research documents the challenges base-building groups face with the current set of movement tech tools and suggests some systemic solutions
Past Speaking Events
Oct 4, 2023
Strengthening Data Systems to Support Organizing

DPI released a report documenting the significant challenges with integrating volunteer and leader member data across platforms. At this workshop, we shared updates on the memo’s recommendations and discuss the steps we can take over the next several months to strengthen organizing-based data integration, particularly for state groups.

Jul 21, 2022
Concurrent Sessions
Racism in Algorithms? How to bring a skeptical eye to your voter file data and find missing voters through engagement

We all know that the voter files are flawed. Black, Latinx, AAPI, and Native people are disproportionately missing and vote propensity (VP) scoring is frequently inaccurate. Join organizing data leaders as they share tools, strategies, and practical tactics for developing and implementing alternative methods to reach constituents.

REsource Report
Oct 21, 2021
Concurrent Sessions
Finding Missing Voters: Busting the Myth of “If it isn’t in the VAN, it doesn’t exist.”

As tech tools and unreliable voter lists have taken over civic and political outreach, many voters of color are being left out. This session will focus on the communities left unseen by the political industry’s voter files in the wake of the techno-political revolution and how organizing groups are innovating their own solutions to find them. DPI Analyst Miriam McKinney Gray and Michael Ingram from Florida Rising will lay out the problem: how race modeling, vote propensity scoring, and voter file matching redlines communities with the most untapped power and how overdependence on data tools and algorithms leave millions of potential voters unreached. Staff from the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, ISAIAH, and the AAPI Force will share their effective methods for reaching their communities and propose sustainable wide-reaching solutions for member based organizations.

No Moderator Events Available.

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