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Carter Calchik

Mongoose Strategies

Resources from

Carter Calchik

Related resources
Making Data and Tech Work for Organizers - DPI Digest
This newsletter highlights a roadmap for needed investment in state and local data infrastructure that will pay huge dividends for our movement and for winning change for our people over the long term.
Surveying the Landscape of Data Integration for State and Local Organizing Group
This report documents the challenges base-building groups face with the current set of movement tech tools and suggests some systemic solutions.
Briefing on Data Integration in States
Watch the full briefing on Data Integration in States: Challenges and Solutions, authored by Carter Kalchik, a longtime leader in the data, tech, and campaign strategy space. This research documents the challenges base-building groups face with the current set of movement tech tools and suggests some systemic solutions
Past Speaking Events
Oct 5, 2023
Wrap it Up!
Final Reflections: Bringing it all Together

REsource Report
Oct 4, 2023
Strengthening Data Systems to Support Organizing

DPI released a report documenting the significant challenges with integrating volunteer and leader member data across platforms. At this workshop, we shared updates on the memo’s recommendations and discuss the steps we can take over the next several months to strengthen organizing-based data integration, particularly for state groups.

No Moderator Events Available.

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