Brian Fullman
Brian Fullman is married with five young adult children, currently resides in Blaine, Mn and one of the five lead organizers for ISAIAH/FIMN. He specifically leads the work for the Barbershops & Black Congregation Cooperative of ISAIAH/FIMN. BBCC is a coalition of Black barbers, beauticians, owners and Black Churches in Minnesota who are advancing a more just Minnesota for their communities.
Brian is a registered master barber with the state of Minnesota and has been for 19yrs. Prior to becoming an organizer he managed and co-owned barbershops in Brooklyn Park (a first ring suburb of Minneapolis.)His love and passion for people in conjunction with his faith has put him on a path of liberation.
As staff with ISAIAH in 2017 he created an initiative using the barbershops and churches to galvanize & cultivate community leaders with the mission of building sustainable black Independent political power in the state of Minnesota. The sole mission is to invite disenfranchised communities to agency and public life. Brian is a firm believer that if you powerfully invite marginalized community members to use their voices, we can truly begin the work of dismantling the very systems that drive oppression of disenfranchised communities on a daily basis. In a nutshell, Brian’s vision is to position BBCC to be the apparatus for poc communities to acquire agency, build sustainable power by way of grassroot organizing for the state of Minnesota.